Prevent Cold Starts on Serverless. Keep Your App Fast.

On average, serverless functions can experience invocation times of up to 500ms during a cold start, but with ZeroColdStart, your functions can invoke in under 10ms by staying warm even during low traffic periods.

ScenarioInvocation Time (ms)
Cold Start100ms - 500ms
Warm Start< 10ms

Does your website have low traffic?

Low traffic causes cold starts on serverless functions making load times slow and users sad


User on your low traffic website


Cold start causes long load time angering user


User closes website and you lose a customer

Improve your load times on vercel and eliminatecold starts

  • Simply add your endpoints and prevent cold starts in under a minute. No code changes required.
  • Development, Staging and Production environments are supported.
  • Not just Vercel. We support any serverless provider, including AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions, and Azure Functions.


Prevent cold starts to improve load times


Improve performance. Cancel anytime.



  • Prevent Cold Starts in under a minute
  • Vercel or any serverless provider
  • Up to 25 Endpoints per user
  • Endpoints invoked every 5 minutes
  • Development, Staging and Production Enviroments


Ideal for serious builders with multiple projects.




  • Prevent Cold Starts in under a minute
  • Vercel or any serverless provider
  • Up to 25 Endpoints per user
  • Endpoints invoked every 5 minutes
  • Development, Staging and Production Enviroments


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Access to a dashboard where you can add up to 25 endpoints of serverless functions that you want to stop cold starts from happening on. Our worker will invoke them every 5 minutes. You can also see the health status of each endpoint and when they were last invoked.
  • Yes! It works with Vercel or any serverless function.

  • After you add your endpoints then our worker starts to invoke them every 5 minutes to keep it warm preventing cold starts during periods of low traffic.
  • Yes! All of the above.

  • We are always looking for ways to improve our product. Please submit a feature request using insighto or email us at

  • Contact us by email at

Building a SaaS?

Stay cool while keeping your serverless functions warm!